Choose Your Story.
Originally written as a personal cathartic medium of healing against the pains brought by COVID-19, The Antiserum Trilogy now opens its heart to the public, its pages incessantly bleeding from the most hard-hitting pandemic. By giving 100% of its global sales and royalties, the published work turns your patronage into the hand that keeps the suffering from completely walking into the dark abyss and surrendering into hopelessness, suicide or slow, painful death.
The author has created partnerships with UPC, Red Cross Youth, DepEd, PNA, DSWD, LGU, Tangke Grassroots Org, LYDO, and Light of Hope. With their voluntarily invested time, your support reaches those who have lost their jobs, their sanity, their access, their health, their education and their right to safe practice. These people continue to stay in the front lines of our global biological battle, despite facing the enemy naked and unfed.
The Antiserum Trilogy. A fictional book series written from heartbreakingly real stories. It is now on your newsfeed to ask you to help it heal unfathomable pains of living, barely breathing people. Or maybe, even heal you.
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This is not an ad. They are truly hurting. Will you help them?
Penned by Zane